Wednesday, February 17, 2016

RAG at the Nicholas Conservatory

Last Saturday was the Rockford Art Guild's
 show at the Nicholas Conservatory.

As luck would have it, they had a tree out of blushing bromeliads to sell as a fundraiser

My Blushing Bromeliads looked just right to the side of the display.

Nicholas has their Orchid show running at the same time.
I always love to go and load up on some inspiration for new art.

Off to the studio to do some work!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Great Party last Night Ladies!

I love going into a group of people who start out with... "I don't have an artistic bone in my body."
What is it about art that scares people so much? It's like math. I hear a lot of "I can't do math." (Or at least I did when I worked at the Alternative School.)

Well the truth is, of course everyone can do art. It's like this wonderful, joyous gift we were all born with. It's in us all, even you. The trick is to make people feel safe and maybe a bit confident too.

When you get a group of friends together, some nibbles, a bit of wine who knows what the possibilities can be?  Last night was no exception. These lovely ladies support each other at work each day - encouraging each other last night was just an extension of that.

And of course, they didn't come for the food, or the wine, or even the art. They came to be with each other and have a bit of fun. They were bound to have fun no matter what their plates looked like. I'm so thrilled that they allowed me to be a part of their group for a few hours.

I love that alcohol inks have their own "minds" in a sense. If you don't fight them and work with them, eventually they will produce some pattern or texture you will like. They are very "forgiving" in that mistakes can easily be wiped away.

The ladies dug right in and the results were stunning. Everyone produced such a unique piece.

Two friends couldn't come. One had a funeral and one a birth. Kind of unusual, but sure does bring home the point about how important it is to love those around us and spend time together. And at the end of the night, as we were about to pose for our final picture, new photos of the baby came streaming through the phone.

The ladies produced some beautiful plates but more important: another successful night of bonding. I'm so honored to have spent the evening with each and every one of them.

To find more information on how you can host your own paint party please click here.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Coco and Teddy, a Commission

Commissions can be stressful. 

They're an exercise in communication, patience and skill. I always want the client to be happy and input their vision into the painting. There's a fine line between  doing a good piece of work and spending too much time on one project. 

My commission of Coco and Teddy is going well. I've spent too much time on the background but I couldn't resist it. I was drawn to the colorful quilt as a backdrop against the white dogs.

So here they are Coco and Teddy a Work in Progress.

I used a lot of masking fluid on the dogs. I'm not sure that it's entirely necessary. When painting the quilt, the masking fluid caused more problems then it solved.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Now My Art Can be Found a tJust Goods and Womanspace

A busy week.

 Womanspace has been kind enough to name me as their featured artist this month. That means I get to bring a lot of works to display is their front case. This is one of the pieces I finished just for them. I also will be stocking their shop, Art 2 Go with several of my prints. Come see my works at 3333 Maria Linden Drive in Rockford.
Alcohol Inks on a Plate

Yesterday, Judith Loudin and I 
hung art at Just Goods. 
A big thanks to my daughter Samantha for all her help. It's the first time Judith and I have hung together and I'm thrilled that we got to do this together. Just goods is located at  201 7th Street, Rockford, Illinois