Thursday, May 22, 2014

Beautiful Day for Plein Air

After buying some calla lilies from the local garden store I thought  they'd make a wonderful painting. So I packed up my supplies and went outdoors for my first plein air painting. It was a lot of fun despite the troubles I had with the wind. After the first time the flowers blew over I wasn't quite able to get them back in the right position. Oh well. At some point it became very clear that this wasn't going very well. I didn't care as long as the music was good and the wine was cold. It made me realize that I really need to work more on my quick drawing skills. Long ago I put down the daily sketch book in order to spend more time painting. I think it's time to get back to it. (Note to self- buy a new "cool" sketch book, one that is separate from the sketches I do for paintings.)

My painting is a scraper. One I'm not ready to show. My husband says he likes it. (How would I ever get by without his constant support and encouragement?) I also realize that this plein air is going to take some practice and some instruction. It's time to watch all those plein air demos I have on my Pinterest boards. Anyway, I'm keeping the painting for awhile as something to look back on when I want to see what progress I've made. I'm planning on spending today doing what I love; gardening and painting. Does it get any better than this?

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