The stores were charming and colorful enough.
A chocolate shop, a brewery and a CD store what else could one need to cheer oneself up on a cold winter's day?
I've been asked to explain my process of painting with alcohol inks so here it is.... simply put.
Alcohol inks are made of Rubbing Alcohol(use the 91% kind) and ink, 4 parts to 1, I believe. I understand that they can be made using Ritz clothing dye but I have never tried it. I like to use Yupo paper which is a tough, slippery paper. I draw out my picture using a pencil. The pencil marks never really erase well so draw light. Then I take masking fluid and outline most of the drawing and masking any areas I want to keep white.
I start by adding the first layer of paints paying attention to adding color and mixing the paints to make interesting patterns. This is the more creative part of the process. Being careful and precise is not necessary here. Things will get cleaned up later as the painting progresses.
This the point in the painting where I think; "What a fine mess this is. I won't be sharing this one on Facebook."

Then I rub off the masking fluid and the structure of the painting comes back.
More paint is added - cleaning up spots at times. I check the darks. I don't use black but love using a deep purple. It doesn't wash out the colors like a black would.

The last step is to use marker and darken areas, outline others. Paint can still be added at this point. It's easy to lift paints or even marker using clear alcohol with a cloth to blot.
When you are finished you will want to spray your painting with a fixative.
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